I took a morning-after pill, but my period is late

Nives Šikanić Dugić

Nives Šikanić Dugić

primarius, MD, spec. gynaecologist, MSc

Dear doctor, the first day of the last menstruation was on April 12th. I had intercourse on April 27th. A condom slipped during intercourse and my partner is not sure if some of his sperm ended up in me. I took ellaOne pill 15 hours after that happened because I did not want to risk anything. I should have gotten my period 3 or 4 days ago, but it is late. What should I do? I ask for your opinion. Is it possible that I am pregnant and that the pill did not work? I vomited twice one day last week. In addition, my stomach is hard. I have some weird feeling as if I am about to get my period, but nothing is happening for 4 days now. Is there a possibility I am pregnant?

After taking ellaOne, as an emergency contraceptive, menstruation can occur normally, but also a few days earlier, as well as be delayed up to 8 days. If it is more than 8 days late, it is necessary to take a pregnancy test or contact your gynaecologist. EllaOne pill is a very effective emergency contraceptive, but its effectiveness is not 100%. You did everything well, and as only 4 days have passed, I advise you to wait a few more days and if menstruation does not come, follow the instructions above.