Expert team

Silvija Stanić
A psychologist, Gestalt psychotherapist and university specialist in children’s rights with many years of experience in counselling with children, youth, and parents. Currently a doctoral student of social work and social policy with the theme of juvenile parenthood. Employed at Parents’ Association Step by Step since 2006. The MAMA JE MAMA Program manager for underage pregnant women and parents, conducts individual psychological counselling and online counselling.

Iva Buconjić
A psychologist, practitioner of expressive art therapy and student at the university specialist study of supervision in psychosocial work. Employed at Parents’ Association Step by Step as a professional associate in psychosocial affairs. Performs individual psychological and online consultation and leads small educational groups and psychological support groups.

Dubravko Lepušić
prof. PhD.
A gynaecology specialist employed at KBC “Sestre milosrdnice” Zagreb. Professor at the University North in Varaždin and professor at the University of Travnik / Vitez (BIH). Author of an educational project for young people “Znanje je užitak” (Knowledge is pleasure) on sexually responsible behaviour and the prevention of violence and addiction among the young (a project that the EU recommended as a way of educating young people on these topics). An activist and a fighter for women’s rights as well as women’s right to choose. Independent contractor of the Association, conducts online counselling.

Nives Šikanić-Dugić
primarius, MD, Msc
A specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics, narrower scope of child and adolescent gynaecology. Employed at the Clinic for Children’s Diseases Zagreb in the Centre for Reproductive Health and an independent contractor of the Association. Participates the MAMA JE MAMA program for underage pregnant women and parents, as well as online counselling.

Karmen Stipeč
A graduated social worker with many years of experience at the Department of Social Work, with extensive volunteer experience in working with users. Employed at the Parents’ Association Step by Step since 2019 as a professional associate in MAMA JE MAMA program for underage pregnant women and parents and the Inclusive Support project. Participates in the implementation of small educational groups, support groups, individual counselling, and online counselling.

Zvjezdana Kuprešak
Graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, lawyer with a bar exam, employed at a law firm with predominant experience in the field of family law. Independent contractor of the Association, provides legal advice and online counselling.

Maja Samsa
law graduate
Law graduate, she has gained previous work experience at Social Welfare Centres in Rijeka and Zagreb, at the department for children, youth, and family. Independent contractor of the Association, provides legal advice and online counselling.

Lana Slavikovski
Master of Psychology with several years of experience volunteering in non-profit organizations and working with vulnerable groups, creating and conducting workshops for children without adequate parental care, students, pupils and teaching staff. She has experience in counseling children and parents and has worked in secondary and higher education. Employed at PA Step by Step since March 2022 as a professional associate in psychosocial work. Participates in conducting small educational groups, support groups, individual counseling and online counseling.