How do I know if I am ready for my first sexual intercourse?

“I am very afraid of my first sexual intercourse and I cannot relax at all. I just have a mental blockade…”

The first sexual intercourse is a big step in a relationship, but also in the life of every young person, and that is why it is important to enter it only when we feel ready. It should be a pleasant and beautiful experience for both partners that will connect you as a couple. If you are afraid, you are not comfortable and “you have a mental blockage”, maybe the right time has not yet come for you, and your partner should be able to accept it if he cares about you and your feelings. 

When stating with sexual relations, your desire for relations is key. If you want to start sexual relations, a certain “nervousness” is normal, but if you feel a blocking fear or any similar strong unpleasant emotion, it may be better to wait until the idea is more comfortable.

Here we present some general guidelines on how to assess whether you are ready for your first sexual intercourse:

  1. YOU ARE AWARE OF THE RISK (You know the possible consequences of sexual intercourse and possible consequences related to it) 
  2. YOU HAVE BEEN PREPARED (You have talked to your partner openly, you have been to a gynaecologist or you are planning to visit a gynaecologist, you are informed about all methods of protection and you will use them) 
  3. YOU TRUST YOUR PARTNER (The partner and you are in a strong relationship, full of mutual trust, you take care of each other and you believe that the whole experience will be nice) 
  4. YOU ARE DOING IT FOR YOURSELF (You want to have sexual relations, you are not doing it “because everybody else is doing it” or because you are afraid that your boyfriend will leave you) 
  5. YOU ARE NOT AFRAID TO SAY NO (You can always change your mind or there is something where you draw the line – your partner respects you)