How to talk to children about sexuality and reproductive health?
Raising a child is one of the most important tasks of a parent – and certainly one of the most difficult. Parents face a number of issues every day that are complex for them but also for their children. Sexuality is certainly one of the more difficult topics and a...

My legal rights before coming of age
The Convention on the Rights of the Child defines a child as a human being under the age of 18 unless, under the laws applicable to children, the age of majority is attained earlier. Before reaching the age of majority, every young person goes through a turbulent and...

Friends with benefits?
What does it mean to be friends with benefits? Some research show that more than 50% of young people in their twenties have had at least one experience of having a friend with benefits. The reason for this may be the unwillingness to take on the responsibilities and...

Advantages and disadvantages of online dating apps
Mobile apps have become a big part of the dating scene among young people. Apps like Tinder, Bumble, Happn, Hinge are mostly based on posting your own pictures and a brief description of yourself on a profile. After that, other users can indicate whether they like...

I had a baby, how not to lose myself?
Caring for a child can be exhausting for parents. Somehow, the moment we become parents, our needs are moved to the back burner and responding to the needs of child becomes more important. In addition, although children differ in temperament, so some are more or less...

The play “Two Blue Lines”
Teenager Vita Mayer is horrified to discover that she has become pregnant. She is faced with a difficult choice of what to do. Abortion or keeping the child? In a sea of questions that bother her and to which there are no answers, she feels alone. The play "Two...

Gynaecological corner: How to use hormonal contraception
Lately, many girls have been contacting us with questions about taking hormonal contraceptives or "pills". You want to know whether it is OK to start taking them before or after menstruation has already started, what to do if we failed to take a pill, how to use pills...

How do I know if I am in a quality relationship?
What does it mean to be in a quality relationship? Is it a relationship in which the other person gives in to you in everything and is "head over heels in love with you"? Is it a relationship in which you spend all your free time together and make sure you "confess"...

How do I know if I am ready for my first sexual intercourse?
"I am very afraid of my first sexual intercourse and I cannot relax at all. I just have a mental blockade…” The first sexual intercourse is a big step in a relationship, but also in the life of every young person, and that is why it is important to enter it only when...

Gynaecological corner – “the pull-out” method
Frequently asked questions of young people refer to unreliable methods of protection against pregnancy, especially “the pull-out” method (Lat. coitus interruptus), when a man pulls his penis out of the vagina immediately before ejaculation after vaginal intercourse...