Sleep rhythm in children

Sleep rhythm in children

Sleep rhythm in children

Sleep is a part of our lives. All living beings need sleep because in this way we rest both physically and mentally. Adult sleep is regulated by the internal body clock, which scientists call the biological clock or circadian rhythm. A child is not born with the circadian rhythm of an adult, its biological clock begins to form at the age of 6 to 9 weeks, and even sleep cycles are established after 3 to 6 months. The child gradually reaches a stage where it is mostly awake during the day and mostly asleep during the night. 

Babies go through the same sleep cycles as adults but spend more time in light sleep and have more frequent phases of brief awakenings. This sleep pattern is biologically conditioned and is important for your child’s growth and development.

New-borns (1-2 months)

They sleep an average of 15-16 hours a day with waking periods of 1 to 3 hours. When we notice that the baby is grunting, crying, or rubbing its eyes, for example, it is best to put the baby in the crib immediately before it falls asleep in our arms. Children who get used to the presence of their parents when they fall asleep cry more often during night awakenings and demand from their parents to calm them down and put them to sleep again in order to fall asleep again in the same way they learned.

Infants (3-11 months)

At this age, a child sleeps between 13 and 15 hours. It is possible that it still wakes up hungry 1-2 times during the night and then it is recommended to feed it. As with new-borns, at this age it would also be a good idea to put children to bed the moment you notice that they are sleepy and tired but are still awake.

Children aged 1-3 years

Children of this age need 12-14 hours of sleep a day, which includes one uninterrupted sleep during the day. Night terrors and nightmares are common. Bad dreams upset them greatly because they still do not fully understand the difference between dreams and reality. During this period, children often have a certain safety object such as a blanket or a plush toy to sleep with – it is recommended that you allow them to keep it.

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years)

Pre-schoolers usually sleep between 11 and 13 hours a day. After the age of five, most of them no longer sleep during the day. During this period, maintain usual time and place to sleep. Encourage some relaxing routine that takes place in the room where the child sleeps (reading a story, singing, listening to music, etc.). Be sure not to keep a TV and computer in the children’s room.

School age children

School-age children need 10 to 11 hours of sleep. Difficulty sleeping can be caused by increased consumption of products that contain caffeine (Coca Cola, coffee, tea), excessive TV viewing or spending a lot of time on a computer. Any difficulty or irregularities related to sleep can lead to frequent mood swings, behavioural difficulties as influence the child’s ability to learn in school.

How to make it easier for a child to sleep?

It is important that you try to teach your child healthy sleeping habits from an early age. Applying the “let them cry” method is not recommended because it is painful for both the child and parents and can lead the child to conclude that he or she has been abandoned (babies and young children cannot understand why you are ignoring their crying and asking for help). Instead, you can do the following:

  • Introduce a routine before going to bed to make the child feel safe and protected. The evening ritual can consist of bathing, a glass of warm milk or tea, brushing your teeth together, reading before bed, and kissing and hugging.
  • Build habits gradually. Arm yourself with patience and do not expect miracles “overnight”. Once you develop sleeping habits that both you and your child are happy with, it will be a great reward for patience. For example, if a child is accustomed to falling asleep in your bed, the first step is to teach the child to fall asleep in bed alone, without your presence next to his headboard. A light from a hallway or a promise that you will check that everything is OK on several occasions may help.
Regular visits to a gynaecologist

Regular visits to a gynaecologist

Regular visits to a gynaecologist

Regular visits to a gynaecologist are important for every woman.

This is all the more important for adolescents because at the beginning of sexual activity, the exposure to the risks of sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies is high, especially if they lack information on these topics.

Ideally, young people should see a gynaecologist before sexual activity to discuss contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, the menstrual cycle etc. However, since there are no ideal situations in life, it is recommended to visit a gynaecologist at least or no later than one year since starting sexual relations.

Adolescents often have a fear of the first gynaecological examination, but this is not necessarily an examination as such, but counselling on various topics, and through several visits to the clinic, the fear of a gynaecological examination disappears. The first examination, in addition to counselling, also includes an examination with gynaecological specula and taking a PAP smear. It is a swab that, in addition to signs of inflammation, also shows the possible presence of various bacteria and viruses, including HPV. This smear or test is done at least once a year. However, experience shows that people report to the doctor primarily when they have a health problem (temperature, pain, etc.) while regular, preventive examinations are often “skipped”. Regular visits to a doctor to prevent diseases are extremely important (for example, a check-up once a year, despite not experiencing any health problems at that time).


Adolescent pregnancy

Adolescent pregnancy

Adolescent pregnancy

The adolescent period encompasses a turbulent period from 10 to 19 years of age, in which many physical and emotional changes take place, a transition from childhood to adulthood. Today, adolescents are characterized by earlier sexual and physical maturation, which is not accompanied by emotional maturation. There is a higher proportion of sexually active adolescents, they enrol in sexual intercourse at a younger age, they experiment, adolescents have a sense of invulnerability, safe methods of protection against pregnancy are not used, which can lead to consequences such as infections of sexually transmitted diseases or adolescent pregnancy.

Pregnancies in adolescence are usually not planned and desired, but happen accidentally, unplanned. We know that adolescence is not an ideal time to give birth because the young organism is still developing and maturing, thus adolescent pregnancies carry certain health risks for both mother and child. When pregnancy is confirmed in adolescent girls, there are two possible choices for a young girl. One is termination of pregnancy, which is regulated by law, or the girl retains the pregnancy, which ends with the birth of a child. In any case, the very knowledge and confirmation of pregnancy is most often unexpected for the adolescent, but also for the family and partner. Failure to cope in such a new situation sometimes requires help and advice in order to make certain decisions related to pregnancy.
If you have kept the pregnancy, you have to take care of your own and the child’s health, since no one but you can do that. By covering up, you endanger both yourself and the child, and in the end, you will still have to face the fact that your surroundings will find out everything. Therefore, boldly take responsibility and do everything possible to prevent possible complications:

1. During pregnancy, regularly attend gynaecological examinations (once a month, and every week during the last month of pregnancy)

2. Check your pregnancy regularly with an ultrasound examination (at least three during pregnancy, and more if necessary)

3. Regularly take laboratory tests prescribed by your gynaecologist

4. Get involved in counselling and courses for pregnant women

The test is positive… what now?

The test is positive… what now?

The test is positive… what now?

In your hand you are holding a pregnancy test, which you bought secretly, so that no one would find out, or you asked a friend to buy it for you. You are home alone in your bathroom, or maybe in a friend’s, in the school restroom, or in your boyfriend’s apartment. You realize the test is positive. Welcome among one of the hundreds of teenage girls who get pregnant every year. Stop, calm down and take a deep breath! You know you have more options. You can choose to continue the pregnancy and keep your baby, or give it up for adoption, or you can terminate the pregnancy. No one can tell you which choice is best for you. You may immediately know what you want and what is best for you, or you will still need time to decide what you actually want. 

If you are thinking about keeping the child, there are a few things you need to start thinking about right now. Those are: 

Where will you live? 

Will your parents provide support? 

How will you support yourself? 

Will you continue school, or will you take a class exam? 

Will your boyfriend, the child’s father, provide assistance? If not, is it a relationship that you want your child to grow up in? 

Do you have enough people around you to support you?

In the next nine months, and especially when the baby is born, you will need support. Do you have it in your family, around you, or will you have to look for it elsewhere: with a family doctor, school psychologist, pedagogue, gynaecologist, social worker? No matter what decision you make, you will need support, understanding and love. It is not an easy task to be responsible for a child with whom you are connected and whom you will love for the rest of your life. In the beginning, children ask for more than they give, but in the end – it is the most beautiful thing you will ever experience. Whenever you need love and understanding, you will find them in them. I hope these questions have focused your thinking and helped you make the right decision.

How will I know I am pregnant?

Pregnancy is characterized by the absence of menstruation, morning sickness, headache, fatigue, bloating, increased sensitivity to odours and food, frequent urination and scanty bleeding etc. These are signs of pregnancy, but they can also occur due to various diseases. If you think you are pregnant, you should definitely visit a gynaecologist.

Pregnancy test

Tests most reliably prove pregnancy, and more sensitive tests can confirm it as early as a few days after the absence of menstruation. You can perform the test yourself or in a gynaecological clinic. A gynaecologist will give you a sure answer!

Visiting a gynaecologist

After the gynaecological examination, the gynaecologist will, if necessary, perform other examinations and tests that would confirm or exclude pregnancy. The gynaecologist will provide you with answers to many questions that bother you and determine the approximate date of birth of your child

I found out I was pregnant

Every person is different and unique. This is why the following is important: when you get pregnant and try to make a decision about what to do – then first, re-examine yourself, try to hear your inner voice, which tells you your own desires, needs, expectations, hopes. Do not exclude your boyfriend – even if you are afraid of his rejection! Confront him with your now common problem, because it will help you get to know him better.

Where to start?

When you get pregnant as a minor, you are full of fear, despair, and panic. A conversation or honest and fair consultation with someone about possible solutions to the situation and decisions that would be best for you would come in handy. Such confidential conversation is usually absent and makes it difficult for you to think prudently.

Am I strong enough? Whom can I talk to?

No matter how difficult and hopeless the situation may seem to you, keep in mind that you are not the first and only one to have it happen. Many people around you, without even knowing it, have experience and expertise on how they can help you. Therefore, before making any decision about pregnancy, think and choose a confidential person with whom you will talk openly and honestly. It is best if that are your parents, but often we are most hesitant and afraid of reaction when it comes to them. It can also be your family doctor, gynaecologist from the health centre, your school psychologist, pedagogue, or social worker at the Social Welfare Centre. Talking to them will help you and make it easier for you to make the decision to think more properly about numerous valid solutions appropriate for the situation you found yourself in.


Continuation of education

Continuation of education

Continuation of education

If you are attending primary or secondary school and you find out you are pregnant, contact one of the professional associates at the school (psychologist, pedagogue) and talk about how to continue your education after being absent due to childbirth and recovery. It would be desirable for your parents, or at least one of them, to be present at this conversation. During this conversation, you should agree on all the details of continuing your education, so that you can return to your school routine, but also take full care of your child. You can return to school when you have fully recovered from childbirth and when you no longer need to rest.

If necessary, you will also be instructed to write a request to the Teachers or Class Council to finish the school year by taking subject or class exams. There is no single procedure that is applied when a student is pregnant at school, but it depends on the agreement with the school. Experience shows that in most cases, school tend to offer support and enable their students to continue their education. That is why it is very important that you talk to your class teacher as soon as possible, as well as professional associates. If you go to vocational school and have the obligation of attending practical education classes, this can be difficult or impossible due to pregnancy, childbirth, and later recovery. Talk to your class teacher about that problem as soon as possible so that you can find a solution together.

The Adult Education Act allows any person over the age of 15 to continue their education. Formal education refers to the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills, and abilities and includes: primary education of adults, secondary education (acquisition of secondary or vocational education, lower education, retraining, training and advanced training) and higher education. Such education is provided by some primary and secondary schools, public open universities, and higher education institutions. Inquire about such opportunities in the area where you live.